Saturday, May 9, 2015

3 Day Juice Cleans Review

Why hello! I think we are all familiar with how many fad diets are out there that claim to make you lose 40 pounds of pure fat in two weeks.  Well Juicing cleanses and detoxes have been the big buzz the past year and all the celebs are raving about the benefits from clearer skin, Cleansing of the digestive track and weight loss.  But many people also talk about how unhealthy they are.  Its true that doing a juicing cleans for more than three days can impact your brain and result in muscle loss but as Robynnee Chutkan, M.D., an intergrative gastroenterologist says “A three-day juice cleanse is not a harmful thing." 

So I decided to try out the three day juicing cleans and I even got my sister to join me.. Lets just say at the end of the first day she ended up making toast with cheese and eggs haha.  I did not do the cleans to lose weight, a juicing cleans will only really make you lose water weight which will be regained after the cleans is over, I wanted to do it to give my digestive system a much needed rest.  I have neglected it not so much as the people who eat junk food and don't exercise, but I have had problems with my digestive track throughout my life and I think I've tried about everything in the book from vegan, vegetarian, cutting out lactose and gluten to drinking 2 tbsp ACV a day. So i thought lets give a juicing cleans a try.  Here's the inside scoop of my three day juicing cleans experience.


First of all you have to figure out what juicing program you are going to do.  There are so many out there.  I have heard so many good things about suja and blueprints three day juicing cleans, but since i own my own juicer I decided to do a DIY juicing cleans and found the recipe online (This also saved my quite a bit of money).  Three days before I started my juicing cleans I took coffee out of my diet and drank green tea instead, I incorporated loads more fruits and veggies into my diet and swapped out as much carbs as i could.  This was to prepare my body so that it wouldn't be such a huge transition.

Day One

I started my day off with green tea, and then my green juice.  About every three hours I would drink another juice even if i wasn't to terribly hungry because I had to get through all five. The juices were a green juice, pineapple apple mint, green juice, spicy lemonade, and cashew milk. I drank them in that order each day and incorporated lots of water and green tea in the mornings.  I didn't feel hungry or have any cravings throughout the day but I did have a headache and I felt a bit fatigue.  I still took my dog for a walk because if I'm not active through the day I feel gross and heavy (even though there really wasn't much weighing me down).  I felt very good about the juice cleans and I was so excited to keep going.

Day Two

I woke up feeling so light and energetic but I was STARVING, boy let me tell you I could have eaten absolutely anything, but I got some lovely green juice.  I was at school for most of the day so I wasn't really thinking about food and I was pretty satisfied off the juice.  I went on a longer walk today and ran a little with my dog, I felt like I had so much energy and It may have been the increase in sugars from the fruits and veggies or maybe because my digestive system didn't have to work as hard to breakdown all my nutrients.  Today I also added benefiber to my pineapple, apple, mint juice because i read that juicing takes out fiber from the fruits and vegetables and my body really needed it.  I waited to drink my cashew milk until about 8:30 because I didn't want to go to bed hungry and I hate that feeling it makes it so much harder for me to fall asleep.

Day Three

Today was definitely the day I felt the cravings come on, not necessarily for a huge cherry cheese cake or any other restrictive food I just craved the cashew milk that I would normally have for diner and I think this was because my body really wanted protein!  Today i incorporated chia seeds to my water just to make me feel a little more full.  I felt pretty good physically a little tired but not as fatigue as the first day and I was definitely more run down than the day before.  Okay this is a TMI moment but today my digestive system totally cleansed itself of all the toxins (as in poop) and I don't think I have ever felt that good.  I have a lot of problems with bowl movements and my digestive system being lactose intolerant and gluten intolerant and it felt so good on my body to have no preservatives or artificial sugars in it and now no plugged up stored poop. I wasn't very satisfied by the juices today and I couldn't even finish the last one.  Anyways what really got me through the day was knowing that the next day I would have successfully completed the three day juice cleans and I could finally eat!   And yes I was totally planning out what I was going to eat the next day on pinterest and I am so not ashamed at staring and drooling over the pictures and recipes.  I decided that I was going to have a huge celebration for dinner the next day and I cooked dinner for my family.  I made healthy chipotle sweet potato skins and cauliflower quinoa soup with were both delectable.  I would totally recommend a 1-3 day juicing cleans to anyone although I think to get the most benefits physically and mentally I would do a three day.  Its such an empowering and fulfilling feeling of completing it after the roller coaster of emotions you experience each day.  I am truly happy and proud of myself for completing it and I will surly be doing it again (maybe in like six moths haha)

xx Rachel 

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